PLANS to convert the former Red Hill Baptist Church into homes have been rejected.

After the congregation moved to a new purpose built building in St Peter's, Worcester, the church in Cannon Street, Red Hill, Worcester, was sold to developers keen to turn it into homes.

However, at a Worcester City Council planning meeting proposals to convert the brick building, which dates back to 1891, into four two-bedroom flats with four parking spaces was thrown out.

Planning officers recommended refusal for a number of reasons, namely the negative impact on local amenities and a proposal to remove the front porch.

In his report, planning officer Alan Coleman said: "There have been a number of objections regarding overdevelopment, lack of parking, overlooking and noise during the build."

The plans propose the demolition of the orginal porch, which fronts onto the street, in order to make way for four car parking spaces.

Mr Coleman said the plans, in particular the proposal to demolish the original Victorian porch, would "constitute inappropriate over development of the site that would also unacceptably compromise the established character and appearance of the surrounding area."

He added that the city's conservation officer would prefer a more sympathetic conversion that retained the porch and provided only two flats.