A MALVERN shopkeeper has been prosecuted for selling alcohol to a child for a second time in six months.

Rasik Bhai Patel, of Eversley Stores, Malvern, sold four cans of lager to a 16-year-old volunteer in a test purchase organised by Trading Standards in March.

The prosecution follows an earlier offence in September 2006, when Patel again sold four cans of lager to a 15-year-old volunteer and failed to challenge him about his age or ask for ID.

Patel admitted the offence and was fined £400 with £408 costs.

Trading Standards also asked magistrates to review his personal licence to sell alcohol, however, they declined the request, but warned him that they would not be so lenient if it happened again.

Tracey Blanchard, enforcement officer with Trading Standards, said: "It is very disappointing that this is the second case we have had to pursue in less than six months.

"Trading Standards offers free training to help local shopkeepers stay within the law. However, we will always prosecute people who continue to flout the law.

"Our general advice to alcohol retailers is to always ask for suitable identification and if there is any doubt refuse the sale."

People concerned about premises selling restricted products to underage consumers can contact Trading Standards through Consumer Direct on 08454 04 05 06 or e-mail underagesales@worcestershire.gov.uk.