TODAY, across three pages, we print every name on our Keep It Local petition. There are more than 2,000 of them and every person on that list has the same message for the West Midlands Ambulance Trust - we do not want the Bransford control room to close.

The consultation period for the Trust's proposal to close control centres in Bransford and Shrewsbury and centralise services in Stafford and Brierley Hill ends on Monday.

If you haven't had your say yet, we urge you to do so.

The Trust believes that current arrangements are not safe and that its proposals will mean 999 calls get answered faster, its services will be more resilient and patients will get a better deal.

We do not agree with the Trust. The 2,000-plus people listed on our pages today do not agree with the Trust. Politicians from the three main parties locally do not agree with the Trust and have put forward alternative proposals. Staff at Bransford do not agree with the Trust.

Clearly not everyone is against the plans. The Primary Care Trust, for instance, has voted in favour of the proposals.

But it seems to us as though the weight of public opinion in Worcestershire is against the Bransford closure plan.

How much notice will the Trust take of that? We do not know but our hope is that it takes note of our petition and that it considers in detail the alternative proposals put forward by local politicians - and then takes a decision that is in the best interests of the people of this county.