MEMBERS of Worcester Lions Club will be meeting up to pack shoe boxes for this year's Operation Christmas Child appeal.

Each box will contain items which include a Christmas card, a bag of toiletries, pencils and pencil case, drawing book and paper, knitted hat and gloves, a toy and cuddly toy, sweets and more.

Geoff Lewis of the club said: "It’s not known where the boxes will eventually end up at this time. But what is certain is that it will be with a child somewhere in the world that will not be receiving another Christmas present this year and in some cases, will be the only Christmas present the child will ever receive during its lifetime.

Packing will take place in the Community Room of the Worcester Waitrose store on Tuesday 6th November 6, starting at 7.30pm.

Mr Lewis said: "If you are in the store that evening, please come over and say hello and find out a little more about Worcester Lions Club and what we do."