A 44-year-old Worcester man has been given a suspended prison sentence for selling counterfeit DVDs on the internet.

Among the DVDs Michael Heather sold on eBay were Peter Kay and Status Quo.

He was caught following an operation by Worcestershire County Council's Trading Standards department.

Heather, of Middles Avenue, Warndon Villages, appeared before Worcester Magistrates Court last month where he admitted nine offences - six under the Copyright Design and Patents Act and three under Trade Marks Act.

Investigating officers estimated that Heather would have made £4,170 profit over nine months between November 22, 2004 and August 22, 2005 from his bootleg business.

At Hereford Crown Court on Friday, Heather was given a six-month custodial sentence, suspended for 18 months and ordered to do 140 hours community service.

Costs were not awarded as Heather had been declared bankrupt.

After the hearing, Simon Wilkes, operations manager with Trading Standards, welcomed the sentence.

"The internet does not have the anonymity most people associate with it and if you use it to sell counterfeit goods we will find you," he warned.

Anyone with concerns about counterfeit goods or any other consumer issue, can call 08454 040506.