PEDESTRIANS, cyclists and cars will have to share a footpath leading to the new Sainsbury's supermarket being built in St John's, Worcester.

The path, off Bromwich Lane, is already used by a mixture of vehicles and people on foot, however, when the store is built there is likely to be an increase in both.

At a Worcester City Council planning meeting yesterday the implications were highlighted by Nigel Earle, a resident of Bromwich Lane.

Mr Earle said drivers, who need to access their homes and garages, currently reverse on to the path because there is nowhere to turn around.

He told councillors this was "unsatifactory for safety reasons."

"Many residents use this path as main access to their properties - I certainly do as a disabled person - and I think Sainsbury's should find another footpath for pedestrians," he said.

Mark Harris, an agent speaking on behalf of Sainsbury's, said they had carried out a detailed analysis.

He said: "We've concluded that there's no safety issue because of the limited number of vehicles using this footpath.

"We will, however, use signage to ensure pedestrians and cyclists are aware of cars."

Councillors voted to accept the plans - on condition Sainsbury's ensured cars did not reverse out on to the path. It was suggested they do so by creating an area for them to turn around in.

Another issue which arose at the meeting related to the 253-space car park being in close proximity to the bungalows on Bromwich Lane.

Resident Tim Hodgkiss said: "The car park will overlook our garden and anyone parking there will be able to look straight into our house. Our quality of life would be compromised."

Mr Hodgkiss said the ideal solution would be to install an 8ft high fence, giving them privacy without blocking out the sun.

Councillors made it a condition that Sainsbury's take on board his comments.

The supermarket giant was given permission to build the store in June this year, bringing about the end of an eight-year saga.

St John's Tennis Club, a car park and the existing sports centre in Swanpool Walk will be demolished to make way for the store. Land in Malvern Road next to Christioher Whitehead Language College will be used for the construction of a new sports centre, while the youth club will be placed directly behind it.

The huge scheme, which is expected to be completed by the end of next year, will create 150 jobs.