AN elderly woman has had her bag snatched near a Worcester supermarket.

Worcester Police are appealing for witnesses following the incident in Blackpole yesterday at 11am.

The woman was walking in Randwick Drive, opposite Randwick Close, towards Sainsbury's supermarket when the male attacker - walking in the opposite direction - grabbed her bag.

The offender and the victim fell to the floor before the offender got up and ran off in the direction off towards Harefield Close. He had taken the black handbag, which contained a large amount of cash and a pension card.

A witness to the incident chased the attacker, who turned right into Tetbury Drive and headed towards Windermere Drive. The witness caught up with the offender and confronted him but he pulled a silver fold-up knife out of his pocket and flicked it open to reveal a three-inch blade. The knife had some kind of writing along its side.

The witness then backed off and the attacker continued towards Windermere Drive and out of sight.

The victim suffered non-life-threatening injuries during the attack and was taken to Worcestershire Royal Hospital where she received treatment overnight.

A police spokeswoman said: "This was a heartless attack that left an elderly victim extremely shocked and shaken and with painful injuries.

"The fact that, when confronted, the attacker presented a knife is of serious concern and we would urge anyone who has any information on the incident to contact police immediately."

The attacker is described as white with tanned skin, around 6ft 1in tall and of skinny' build. He was in his early 20s with very dark, short, scruffy hair. He was wearing a black, long-sleeved hooded jumper and dark blue jeans.

He also left a No Fear rucksack propped up against a garden wall on Windermere Drive. It is cream and brown/green in colour and has wheels and a pull-up handle on top to pull it along. The bag was empty but the front pouch contained pens and pencils and a 6-inch WWF Attitude ruler.

"We would also like to hear from anyone who may recognise the bag left at the scene and also the driver of a Connaughts van who helped look for the offender shortly after the incident."

Anyone who saw anything suspicious around the time of the robbery, or has any information on the incident should contact Worcester CID on 08457 444 888, quoting 256/S/240907, or Crimestoppers - anonymously - on 0800 555 111.