PUPILS at a Worcester school have been learning about the Islamic tradition of Ramadan.

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and a time when Muslims across the world will fast during the hours of daylight.

During Ramadan, Muslims celebrate the time when the verses of the Koran were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.

At Nunnery Wood High School, Spetchley Road, pupils have been learning all about Ramadan.

Deputy headteacher Jill Dillon said: "At Nunnery Wood High School we value each and every pupil and their culture. Moreover, we believe that all children should respect and understand different cultures.

"Supporting students during Ramadan is important, as, at this time, Muslim students are fasting while in school and this obviously requires self-discipline and inner strength. We have provided rooms for students to go to at lunchtime, where students can be calm, still and use the time for reflection and thinking about the importance of Ramadan. We have also asked teaching staff to be aware of the students' needs at this time and accommodate these needs when planning lessons.

"All staff have received information about Ramadan and have been discussing its significance with their tutor groups. This has allowed all students to build an awareness of Ramadan and that a different culture is celebrating a special occasion at this time, which they may perhaps not have been aware of before."

In the main foyer of the school there is a large display about Ramadan for students and staff alike to look at and find information, and there is a further display in the main corridor and library.

Mrs Dillon added: "These displays have led to this special time being highlighted to everyone in the school and have reinforced the school's aim to celebrate diversity."

Students Shabena Kosar and Nisa Hussain said: "We fast to remember the needy and it reminds us how fortunate we are. We would like to wish a very happy Ramzan Mubarak to everyone who is fasting."