Members were welcomed to September's meeting and minutes of the previous meeting in July were read.

The car treasure hunt in August was successful, making £75 towards our 60th birthday celebrations next year.

Forthcoming events include the next group meeting at Holt on October 1. This will be on a nuns theme, so those attending are asked to wear black and white. We are told there will be a unique finale, which is top secret.

Pershore High School is the venue for the autumn council meeting on the October 23.

On October 31 there is a planned visit to Droitwich brine baths, which includes the bath, sauna and a ploughman's supper.

There will be a County Casuals fashion show based on a Christmas theme on November 21.

At the end of November, the Good Food Guide will be coming to the NEC in Birmingham, and names are required of those wishing to go.

All outings and meetings were on the noticeboard for members to sign up for.

Those not wishing to stand for committee should ensure their name is crossed off the list.

It has been pointed out that, although meetings are scheduled to begin at 7.30pm, it is sometimes nearer 7.45pm - so in future meetings will begin promptly at 7.30pm. Members please note.

The speaker for the evening was Mo Emmans who arrived dressed as a peasant and gave us an interesting insight of the different lifestyles and dress of peasants and the upper classes, between the years 1100 and 1800.

The vote of thanks was given by Suzanne Owen, and our next meeting will be on October 10 at Little Witley Village Hall at 7.30pm. The speaker will be Roger Tolman telling us about the Woodland Trust. Visitors are always welcome.