THE monthly meeting of Droitwich WI was chaired by the vice-president, and a get-well card has been sent to the president, Margaret Wainwright, who is convalescing after a hip operation.

Two other cards were sent to Rosella Davis and Mary Bourne, who have both left the district to be nearer to family members.

An interesting letter of thanks was received from Acorns Children's Hospice in reply to our gift of £55 raised at the August meeting. The speaker was Rosemary Prosser who spoke about her working life in the police force. When she started there was an allowance for tights, but this ended with the coming of the Equal Opportunities Act, when they became trousered policemen.

Members were most amused and entertained, and several remembered old mutual friends with Rosemary.

After thanks, tea and biscuits were enjoyed. The next meeting will be held in the Heritage Centre on October 3 at 2pm.