THE president, Jill Brotheridge, welcomed everyone to the September meeting.

This was the first meeting since the July floods which had caused so much damage to many village homes. This apart, she hoped that everyone had had an enjoyable summer break. She thanked June Sargent who once again had provided a beautiful flower arrangement for the table.

After the minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary, Gill Creed, the president was delighted to announce that £28.70 had been made at the July meeting mini farmers' market, which would go towards the annual contribution for ACWW (Associated Country Women of the World).

Members were reminded that Peopleton was to host the Pershore Group meeting today, when the guest speaker will be Chloe Lees, the storyteller, with her tale After Dark.

Members were also reminded that the October meeting is the AGM. They were asked to consider joining the committee for the next year as more committee members helps spread the load.

Gill Creed, secretary of the skittles group, then presented the Peggy Walters Memorial Trophy for the highest average skittle score to Val Johnson. Gill then read through this year's skittles fixtures.

Last year, Peopleton had won through to the penultimate round of the County WI tournament and it is to be hoped that this coming year will prove to be even more successful.

Final arrangements were discussed for our Christmas Shoebox appeal. Members were asked to take home a shoebox which had been supplied by Pauline Bayliss, decorate it and then bring it to the October meeting ready to be filled with all the goods that had been collected together over the past year.

After all the business of the evening and wishing happy birthday to all the members who had September birthdays, the speaker of the evening was welcomed. Diana Bateman and her husband gave a very interesting and informative talk on fungi.

They had brought along many different examples of fungi that they had found around Worcestershire. Many of which were edible - although there was one which had to be handled with extreme caution because it was deadly and had no known antidote.

Peopleton WI meets at the village hall on the second Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm. All visitors are very welcome to come and join us.