A GIRL who was told she was not welcome at a Worcester school because of blonde streaks in her hair has returned to class.

Jenna Hewlett was told last week she was not welcome at Christopher Whitehead Language College in St John's until she toned down the colour of her hair. Jenna initially refused to comply with the school's uniform rules, but over the weekend she changed her mind.

The 15-year-old, of Margaret Road, Lower Wick, who is in her final year and studying for her GCSE exams has now toned down the blonde streaks and returned to school yesterday.

Her mother, Sarah Hewlett, said: "She has gone back to school. There was quite a big response to this happening, more than I could have imagined.

"But we went for a meeting with the headmaster on Monday morning and she is now back in class."

Headteacher Neil Morris added: "Jenna and her mum have met with me and she hopes with our support to get some good GCSEs."

Meanwhile it would seem Worcester News readers are divided over the issue.

On our website www. worcesternews.co.uk we asked readers if they thought the school was right to ask Jenna to tone down her hair before returning to lessons.

And the results showed that opinion in the city was divided.

The poll, which has been running for the past six days ,was yesterday closed after 166 people voted.

The results were very close with 51.2 per cent of voters agreeing with the school's decision - and 48.8 per cent disagreeing.

Comments made under the original story also created a big debate, with 63 people posting their reaction to the story.