A MUSICAL director will end a glittering 30-year career with a special production in Worcester.

After spending three decades entertaining audiences with the Worcester Gilbert and Sullivan Society, David Whitehouse has decided to call it a day with his fourth performance of The Gondoliers.

"I'm quite sad - there are a lot of people who were there when I arrived," said the 69-year-old.

"Thirty years is quite a good, loyal run I think."

Mr Whitehouse said although the same plays are coming round again, he never gets bored of them.

"It's fresh every time," he added.

"It's like reading the same book over again, you see things you didn't see last time."

Mr Whitehouse said he planned to spend his time playing the bassoon and piano and would no doubt return to perform with the society following next month's production. He is also a member of the Worcestershire Symphony Orchestra.

For director Berny Murray, the occasion will be even memorable because this is her first show and Mr Whitehouse's last.

"I'm a bit nervous but I've every confidence in the cast and every confidence in the soloists and of course David, with all his experience is helping us along," she said.

"He's got a wealth of experience and is a very keen Gilbert and Sullivan fan.

"During the rehearsals he often comes out with little quips and anecdotes and it's always a pleasure working with him."

The Gondoliers, or The King of Barataria, was the twelfth opera written together by Gilbert and Sullivan.

It will run at the Swan Theatre from Tuesday, October 2 to Saturday, October 6, from 7.30pm (Saturday matinee 2.30pm).

For tickets, priced at £11-£12, children £5 and free with adults for the matinee performance, call 01905 611427.