DEVELOPERS have confirmed that a baptist chapel in Kempsey will be demolished to make way for homes.

The derelict church has been under threat since planners refused an application to convert it into flats and build a three-bedroom house nearby.

Malvern Hills district councillors said Severn Developments Ltd's plan, which would have kept the chapel's original facade, would be unduly prominent and not in keeping with the character of the area.

However, Severn Developments director Mark Donald said its plan was the only economically viable one and, despite ongoing talks, it had proved impossible to achieve a consensus that would allow the chapel to be retained.

The developer held a public meeting on Wednesday, September 19 at the Huntsman Inn, Green Street, Kempsey to reveal its latest plans to villagers.

The new scheme would see the chapel demolished and four family homes built in its place.

Mr Donald said: "A number of residents attended the meeting and comments passed will, where possible, be reflected in the formal planning application to the district council."

Phillip Barker-Brown, who lives next door to the site, said the new plan was an improvement on the last one.

He said: "I think the present proposal will be more in keeping with the village.

"The plan that was turned down would have seen a new building hiding the chapel from the village.

"To me this seems to be a much better solution than the previous suggestion."