Pub Spy ventured out of the office this week to try the all new vegan menu at Firefly, in Lowesmoor, Worcester.

Firefly has long been seen as the shining light of the street and PS had previously been there.

PS wanted to have a try of the new menu however, as last time it had been a variety of different meat hot dogs and burgers.

On arrival, PS had a peruse of the menu to check what took his fancy.

It was a Monday afternoon and the pub had only just opened, so PS felt a bit of extra pressure whilst choosing what to have.

PS went for a Teriyaki sub, which featured a meat substitute, topped with Teriyaki sauce and vegetables including peppers and carrots, with sesame seeds on top.

PS also chose a Brothers strawberry and kiwi flavoured cider to go along with it. It will not be the taste of every reader, and it could be called a strange selection in a pub famous for its guest ales, but in PS’s defence it was a very hot day. Hot conditions and ales do not go together in PS world.

Once the food was ordered, the very helpful barman said that it might take a little bit longer because the kitchen was still warming up.

Not a problem, PS told him, whilst moving himself to the popular outside garden area.

It was empty on this occasion but it was a Monday afternoon. PS has seen it heaving at weekend nights here whilst coming for drinks and why would it not be?

Worcester as a whole does not have enough beer garden in PS’s humble opinion, but this is certainly one to be celebrated.

The Brothers cider was very refreshing whilst waiting for food to be served.

The food was served after around 10 minutes, making PS wonder how fast it was served when the kitchen was mid-session.

The sub was delicious and made PS wonder why meat was necessary at all.

It certainly did not taste or look different to a meal cooked with meat.

The sauce was lovely, providing a delicate amount of spice and the sesame seeds were a roaring success.

If there was one very minor criticism, it was that the bread was slightly dry. But this is more about PS fine picking than a major problem.

PS has not tried a lot of vegan food, but this at one of the city’s most popular pubs has the potential to change all that.

The Firefly definitely knows its audience, which is traditionally young and slightly edgy people and it caters to it perfectly.

It certainly isn’t a pub for brand pints like Carlsberg or Carling or for sport fans but if you want a classy pint and food that is a bit different from your standard pub grub, this will be for you.

The food and drink came to a total of £11.50, which was a bit on the expensive side when PS went without chips, but the quality made-up for it.

PS would have been slightly peeved at the cost if the food had not been up to scratch, but it was superb and PS doesn’t mind spending a bit extra if the food is top class.

Among the entertainment that the pub offers is an open night comedy night once a month, which sounds like a great idea for a Wednesday evening out.


Atmosphere 8/10
Decor 9/10
Staff 10/10
Drink 9/10
Food 9/10
Prices 8/10
Total 9/10