A MALVERN school has been given notice to improve by Government inspectors.

Great Malvern Primary School has been told by Ofsted that it needs to make "significant improvements" in relation to pupils' progress and standards, and the quality of teaching and the curriculum.

The report said: "Pupils' progress is patchy because teaching and the curriculum are inconsistently matched to their needs and are unsatisfactory overall.

"In the classes in which pupils do not do well enough, teachers' expectations of the standards pupils are capable of attaining are too low."

Recently appointed headteacher John McMillan said he recognised the need to improve but said the school had the capacity to do so.

He said: "The Ofsted team's analysis of areas for development correspond exactly with the school's own existing evaluation. We are delighted with their recognition of how far the school has moved in a short period and are confident this momentum will see the school moving forward rapidly in addressing the key issues."

Inspectors visited the school in May and found that it was "not effective because there are too many pupils whose learning needs are not met and who underachieve as a result".

However, it said pupils' behaviour is good in lessons and around the school and added that students form positive relationships with each other and help to make the school a calm and safe place.

The inspectors said: "Even though there is a lot to be done to move the school forward, improvements are already being made.

"These are evident, for example, in developments in provision in the reception year and in signs of improvements in some classes in which teaching was weak.

"The recently appointed headteacher is providing outstanding leadership. He has an exceptionally good understanding of the school's strengths and weaknesses and is strongly focused on pupil's needs."

The school will be inspected again next year to see if it has improved. If not, further action could then be taken by Ofsted, which could ultimately lead to the school being put into special measures.


STAR RATINGSEffectiveness: *Achievement: *Development: **Teaching: *Curriculum: *Care and support: *Leadership grade: **WHAT THE SCHOOL DOES WELL:* Children make a secure start in their personal, social and emotional development in the nursery and reception year.

* Pupils are pleasant, friendly and courteous.

* Most pupils enjoy being at school and appreciate the range of activities that the school provides in addition to daily lessons.

* A good range of activities is provided in addition to lessons, such as clubs, visits and visitors.

* Marking of pupils' work and advice to help them to improve their performance is very good in year 6.

WHAT COULD BE DONE TO IMPROVE:* Ensure that all pupils progress as well as they should from their start in the nursery to the end of year 6 and reach the standards of which they are capable.

* Raise teachers' expectations of the standards pupils are capable of attaining and ensure that they match teaching and the curriculum to pupils' needs.

* Provide all pupils with clear guidance on how they can improve their performance.

* Work closely with parents to improve attendance.

* Increase the accountability of all teachers for the quality of pupils' learning.