PARISH councillors should hide behind trees and pounce on dog owners who let their pets foul the streets.

The shock tactic to reduce dog mess was proposed by John Buckley at a meeting of Warndon Parish Council, Worcster The problem, which has been bad on some roads, including those near Great Oaty Gardens park, was discussed for 20 minutes by concerned councillors.

The issue was mentioned as a priority in 19 out of 65 questionnaires by partnership organisation Police and Community Together (PACT).

The £2,500 in council funds for dealing with environmental cleansing issues will be released to tackle the problem.

Mr Buckley said the worst dog fouling happened when children walked the family pet and that a note should be put in the parish newsletter, telling parents to make sure their children clean up after their dogs.

Other ideas discussed included providing an e-mail address at which people could report incidents of dog-fouling and fly-tipping, and signs warning people they could face fines.

The council will write to Worcester City Council to see if more dog bins are needed.

Parish council chairman Ray Morris said: "The issue is are there enough dog bins and are they in the right place? Perhaps we could have some portable signs in key areas reminding people that if this carries on they will be fined."

Dawn Merriman said that she did not consider the issue to be a lack of dog bins, adding: "We have more dog bins than we do litter bins."

Les Bishop, the parish clerk, reminded members that the cost of an extra bin was at least £300.

City councillor Andy Roberts said that signs placed in key locations might help to bring dog owners to heel, but that there was no need to put them everywhere.

The parish council extended an invitation to Malcolm Cox, operations manager with Worcester City Council, to discuss the issue at the next council meeting on Monday, August 6.