MALVERN is using its world-famous natural resource to help it get a second successive award in the annual Britain in Bloom contest.

The town council has been given permission to harvest Malvern water from the hills to make sure plants in the troughs and hanging baskets can flourish.

Town clerk Richard Chapman said: "We thought, there is all this water on the hills, why can't we use it?"

The council applied to the Environment Agency to extract water from the hills and has been filling its tanks from Rose Gully, Back Lane, since the troughs and hanging baskets were put out about a month ago.

The town hopes the natural minerals in Malvern's water will help the plants to thrive and impress the judges who will be looking for aspects of biodiversity.

Last year Malvern won a gold award in the Heart of England regional event and it hopes to win the overall section this year to gain direct entry into the national event.

The Britain in Bloom judges will be visiting Malvern on Tuesday, July 10, to cast their eyes over the displays.