A NEW community support officer is one of the youngest to join Worcester police.

Jenny Humphries joined the policing team for Battenhall and St Peter's at the tender age of 18 and is thrilled with her new role.

"It's brilliant," said the former Worcester Sixth Form College student, who is now aged 19.

"I'm settling in really well. It's really good to get to know the community and to see the changes.

"I think this job is really good for getting to know how the police work."

Miss Humphries, who has been working alongside PC Andy Chuter and fellow CSO Jason Atkins, said she had wanted to join the police force since she was seven.

She said she would love to become a police constable one day, but for the time being is enjoying her time as a CSO.

"I would prefer to stay in the community and I can be their CSO for a good few years at least," she said.