THE following is extracted from minutes of the annual meeting of the council held in May.

Several members of the public were present including four candidates for co-option. PC Gary Jones and PCSO Nick Prosser were also present together with Mrs S Luff in connection with the problems being experienced on the playing field which affected the Scout and Guide groups as well.

Mrs Luff indicated that she would like the opportunity to be involved in the relevant discussions as she felt a partnership' approach offered the best hope for success.

All councillors signed declarations of acceptance of office. Ann Bowlcott indicated her willingness to accept office of chairman and she was elected without contest. Subsequently, the council considered the applications for co-option and a ballot was conducted in the candidates' absence as a result of which Deborah Ganderton, Chris Ivory and Chris Reeve were elected and took their seats on the council. Patricia Peters was thanked for her candidacy and she withdrew from the meeting.

Police Report: PC Jones and PCSO Prosser reported the action taken since the incident of vandalism on the playing field on April 27 and the availability of CCTV facilities if required. It was reported that the estimate for repairs was approximately 766 and that an insurance claim had been submitted. Following on from the previous discussion, it was agreed that the clerk liaise with the police and Mrs Luff to investigate and arrange for adequate (secure) lighting of the play area within a budget of 500 and such light to be attached to the Scout hut. Problems with regard to parking outside the school was referred to especially with regard to inconsiderate and dangerous practices by those collecting children. The police were asked to provide attendance.

Election of other officers and representatives: The meeting continued with the election of officers and appointments to committees and working groups as well as reviews of members' responsibilities with regard to correspondence and risk management/inspection.

Planning: Park Acre, Church Lane - addition of three roof lights, en suite, revised front elevation and accommodation, outdoor swimming pool and associated walls. Erection of garage carport. although not objecting to the application, the council urged the planning authority to give consideration to the noise nuisance which might derive from use of an open air swimming pool.

The next meeting of the parish council will be held on Monday, July 9, at 7.30pm and held as usual in the committee room of the parish hall. ANN BOWLCOTT