AN elderly couple had a lucky escape after their car left the road and went down a 20 foot embankment.

The crash happened on the A456 Bewdley to Newnham Bridge road about a mile from the village of Mamble.

Two ambulances and the County Air Ambulance from Cosford were sent to the scene after a 999 call at about 11.20am on Monday, July 2.

A West Midlands Ambulance Service spokesman said: "The car had left the road and gone through a hedge before slithering down the slope.

"There were an elderly couple in the car. The man had a laceration to his head while the woman was suffering from whiplash.

"The rescue operation required close co-operation between the emergency services. After the pair had been eased out of the car and placed on spinal boards, they had to be hoisted up the bank by fire crews.

"Thankfully the couple were not seriously injured but did both go to the Royal Worcester Hospital by land ambulance as a precaution."