CONVICTED criminals in Worcestershire are to be given help and training to help them find jobs.

The West Midlands has been chosen as a pilot region for the new initiative, which will take place in prisons and the community.

Offenders chosen for the scheme will receive advice and guidance as well as help to gain literacy, numeracy, language and IT skills.

The programme will also include training to help offenders enter employment, become self-employed or join the voluntary sector.

The Next Steps scheme, funded by the Learning and Skills Council (LSC),is des-igned to significantly reduce re-offending.

David Cragg, regional director of West Midlands Learning and Skills Council, said: "This test bed project builds on the very exciting work that has been going on in the region since the launch of the Offender Learning and Skills Service last year.

"It will help us strengthen and reinforce all the links between offender institutions and the outside world, especially by building bridges into employment."

The West Midlands, along with East of England, is one of two test bed' regions that will develop the project under ministerial review, with a view to expanding it nationally in due course.

Skills Minister Phil Hope said: "Helping offenders develop skills and secure better jobs is central to the Government's aim of reducing re-offending.

"There is a sea change under way in the learning and skills on offer to offenders. Testing these innovative ideas to improve learning by offenders will significantly contribute towards improving skills and employment."