CIVIC dignitaries packed the Guildhall as five ambulances full of vital life-saving equipment started their long journey to Kashmir.

The ambulances, filled with equipment donated from health centres, drop-in clinics and hospitals, went down the High Street towards Birmingham where they will be shipped across to the troubled region.

All the equipment, which has been collected since an earthquake devastated the region in 2005, will go to Kashmir hospitals.

Coun Allah Ditta teamed up with Worcester South Rotary Club to organise the collection and storage of the equipment, along with local farmer John Bennett.

Coun Paul Denham, who travelled with Coun Ditta to Kashmir last year to investigate the damage, said it was event that rallied the community.

He said: "Quite a few people from the Asian community turned up to see the ambulances before they got moved on.

"The largest group of ethnic minorities in Worcester come from that region in South Asia, so this was an important event."

The ambulances were paid for by donations made over the last two years to the Worcester-Pakistan Partnership.