TRADERS in a Worcester street being dug up for roadworks say they have noticed a significant drop in business.

Shop owners in Lowesmoor had warned they would struggle when Severn Trent dug up the street to start investigatory work on its pipes as it tries to sort out a flooding problem.

But some believe they have lost up to a third of their usual trade at this time of year.

Uwe Meier, (CORRECT) owner of H. Smiths Butchers said he understood the work needed to be done, but passing trade had definitely dropped.

"It's the one way system that causes the problem, and the fact they can't park," he said. "We have lost about a third of our trade so far. The workmen have been as good as they can and we are just hoping trade will come back up once its re-opened."

Manager of the Four Seasons, Salem Kwan said it was a quiet time of year, but the amount of passing trade had still dropped.

"We are still getting our regular customers but less passing trade," he said. "But we only have another week to go on this so hopefully when it is over then we will be alright."

At Blunts shoe store, manager Joyce Walker said they have been quite quiet over the last few years, which she believes is down to the road system being changed - and thinks the road works haven't helped.

"It is quite worrying. We have made sure we have parking at the rear of the shop now as people don't think they can come down to park in this street. It is worrying for us all and I suppose all the traders are in the same boat," said Mrs Walker.

Severn Trent spokesman Vicky Phillips said: "We have been working in Lowesmoor to carry out some investigations into the sewer pipes. The work has gone really well and provided us with the information we need to now discuss the possible improvements we can make.

"We expect to be finished in the area by later next week, and would like to thank our customers for their cooperation while we carry out these necessary investigations."

She added that Lowesmoor hadn't been closed completely and future work would be needed.

"It is all at planning stage at the moment though so I do not have details of what further work may be carried out," she said