AN alcoholic who spat in a police officer's face and then attempted to bite another has been ordered to wear an electronic tag.

Karl Bicknell, of Malvern, appeared at Worcester Mag-istrates Court on Wednesday, where he was ordered to stay indoors between 6pm and 6am for six months, to prevent him drinking in the streets at night.

Sally Cairns, prosecuting, said police officers were called to the Little Well Café in the town's Church Street following reports of a man being disorderly.

"PC Davies saw Karl Bicknell, who was unsteady on his feet," she said. "His eyes were glazed and he smelt of alcohol." She said the 45-year-old, of Orchid Court, became "extremely violent".

"He started waving his arms about, raising his voice and shouting abuse at the officer," she added.

"When being walked to the police van, Mr Bicknell spat in the face of PC Davies.

"While assisting to place Mr Bicknell in the police van, Mr Bicknell attempted to bite PC Waites in the face and arms."

Mark Sheward, defending, said his client drank to cope with problems in his childhood, when he said he was abused in care.

He said earlier that day, on Friday, May 11, Bicknell was assaulted. "He's subject to ridicule and abuse by local youths, who see him as a target and on this occasion they attacked him," he said.

Mr Sheward said his client was an intelligent man, who knew he had an addiction but was trying to help himself. "He's completed a sociology course at the University of Worcester, successfully," he added. At a previous hearing, Bicknell admitted a public order offence, resisting a police officer and two counts of assaulting a police officer.

He was given a four-week custodial sentence, suspended for 12 months, ordered to pay £130 compensation and £30 court costs.