FESTOONS of Christmas lights could once again grace the streets of Pershore after traditionalists complained about last year's controversial decorations.

Square lights, adorned with symbols, were fixed to lampposts last year, replacing the festoons of multi-coloured lights which crossed the High Street, Bridge Street and Broad Street in 2005.

The new lights, which proved controversial, were only fitted after a length of cable fell down in 2005, prompting concerns about the health and safety of the traditional festooned lights.

Many of the anchor points were then subject to a Worcestershire County Council pull test - but 75 per cent of the anchor points tested failed, so new lights were put up instead.

The anchor points on each building to secure each cable need to be replaced before the multi-coloured lights return. Work will cost an estimated £34,000 and a structural engineer is scheduled to visit the town on July 16 to conduct a survey to find out how best to carry out the work. The work will leave Pershore Town Council with a shortfall of £20,000 which it hopes to raise by launching a fund-raising appeal.

To make up the deficit, the council would need the equivalent of £5 from every person of voting age in the town.

Town clerk Ann Dobbins said: "The process involves an expert testing each building to find the best place for the anchor, and then listed building consent will be required for most buildings before the lights can be fitted. Please bear with us - the council has resolved that the festoon lights will be returned if at all possible."

To make a donation call Ann Dobbins on 01386 56156.