WORCESTER News readers have been offered the opportunity to win free sessions with a life coach to help them quit smoking.

There could not be a better time to tackle a smoking addiction. From 6am on Sunday, July 1, smokers will be banned from lighting up in enclosed public spaces and workplaces.

Claire Hegarty has up to three Stop Smoking The Personalised Way sessions to give away to smokers who are desperate to kick the habit.

"The programme is always personalised and tailor-made to the individual as we are all different and so, therefore, will be our reasons and motivations for wanting to stop," said the performance coach, therapist and certified reiki master.

"I work with them until they are totally convinced they have become non-smokers. Then they leave the session believing this and also knowing how they will fill their time instead.

After this, I offer full-time coaching and support to track and monitor their success and a follow-up session a month later when we can look over their achievements together."

The sessions will start with an initial consultation over the telephone, then participants will keep a diary for a minimum of two weeks.

After this, the winning readers will work with Miss Hegarty face-to-face, learning a range of techniques, including breathing exercises and hypnotherapy, to help them in their bid to quit smoking.

Miss Hegarty said: "The reason why a lot of people who smoke cannot give up when they try is that a lot of the time there are reasons why they smoke and these issues have to be tackled before they can give up.

"This is why people stop smoking for a very short time, then start again."

Miss Hegarty is based in Chester, but is prepared to come to Worcestershire for the sessions.

For an opportunity to win one of the quit-smoking sessions, call 0151 6783358, or 07714 853524.