IT'S every parent's nightmare. The late-night knock at the door, the policeman standing under the porch light... and the sickening feeling in the pit of the stomach when a mother and father are told their son or daughter has been involved in a car crash.

Jane and David Endean know all about such a scenario. Their daughter Amy was involved in a crash and thankfully survived. Nevertheless, she suffered horrific facial injuries.

Mum and dad must have realised it could have been worse and were therefore probably grateful for small mercies. But what about Amy? What would happen to her looks... would she be scarred forever? And with the school prom looming, would she feel confident enough to attend?

However, no car crash was ever going to stop this courageous teenager. Thanks to the doctors - and no small degree of perseverance and pluck - Amy responded to treatment and was soon almost as good as new. And yes, like Cinderella, who also got to the ball in time, Amy made it to the prom.

Well, Amy, the Worcester News would like to say something to you. Judging by the photograph on page 7, you looked as pretty as a picture on your big night. And we'd wager that all the lads wanted a dance so that they could say they'd had a bop with the most beautiful - and bravest girl in the entire school.