THE Mayor of Worcester put his shades on to remind people to keep their eyes safe in the sun.

Councillor Stephen Inman joined thousands of people all over the country to promote the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association's shades day.

Research has shown that spending five hours or more outside every day in the sunshine during your teens and early adult years increases your risk of long-term eye damage.

Coun Inman met local guide dog owner Andrew Muxlow and his dog Ramsay, who works for the Worcester branch of the association as a dog trainer.

Mr Muxlow, who only has 30 per cent vision in one eye and is blind in the other, said: "There are about 20 working dogs in Worcester and 10 being trained at the moment so it's great that there is an opportunity to help raise awareness about the role of guide dogs and about the importance of looking after your sight."

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