AN alcoholic pensioner arrested for being drunk in public was found drunk again just hours after his release.

Brian Harper was arrested in Pheasant Street, Lowesmoor, Worcester, clutching a bottle of Famous Grouse whisky on Friday.

Mark Soper, prosecuting, said Harper had been spotted drinking by an off-duty police officer who called in two colleagues.

Mr Soper said: "By the time they got there, the bottle was empty."

Harper, aged 66, of Tolladine Road, Worcester, was bailed on Saturday only to be arrested again at 3pm in Angel Street, Worcester, this time holding a bottle of sherry.

Harper admitted two counts of breaching his anti-social behaviour order by being drunk in a public place on Friday and Saturday at Worcester Magistrates Court.

Mark Lister, defending, said Harper had been an alcoholic for many years and the vast majority of his offending was for being drunk and disorderly.

He said: "It's not realistic to expect someone with an entrenched alcohol problem is going to stop drinking immediately.

"He was standing against a wall drinking a bottle of sherry. People didn't appear to be visibly upset by him. He spent Friday night in custody and Saturday and Sunday."

He was released and was not fined because of his limited means Any financial penalty was deemed to have been paid through the time he had served in custody.