President Shirley Miles welcomed members and three visitors to the June meeting.

Attention was drawn to the science club geology walk in July, a visit to Kew Gardens in September and a celebrity lunch with Philip Serrell in October.

We have had an invitation from Queenhill WI to join them on Thursday, July 12, at 2.30pm to hear about delicious desserts.

July will be a busy month for us. The annual walk and lunch takes place on the third, the monthly meeting will be held in Coral Male's garden at 6.30pm on the 10th and we have planned an outing to Hazelfield Garden World on the 24th.

The speaker was Meryl Cochrane and her subject Lowry And The Northern Working Classes. She set the scene from when he was born in 1887 and told us of events that took place during his lifetime, also describing living and working conditions in the Lancashire mill towns, which strongly influence his work. We were then treated to slides of his paintings.

The next meeting is at Coral Male's garden at 6.30pm on July 10 for pudding tasting. Visitors will be very welcome.

Further details please contact Sue Strang on 01684 592408.