THE overall health of Wychavon residents compares well with the rest of England according to a new health profile of the district compiled by the Government.

However, levels of obesity and diabetes are worse than the national average.

The Department of Health's profile measures 26 indicators of people's health. In Wychavon 17 are significantly better than the average, six are similar to the national average and only three are worse.

The key findings in the report are: * Life expectancy has increased over the last decade and exceeds England's average by more than a year * Levels of obesity and diabetes are worse than the average for England * One in five adults smoke, although the death rate from smoking is one of the lowest in the region * There is a low rate of teenage pregnancy * There are estimated low levels of binge drinking * Death and serious injury on the district's roads is higher than the England average.

Judy Pearce, Wychavon District Council's board member for Health said: "While we're pleased that the health of the district's residents is generally good, we will continue to make health provision and promoting a healthy lifestyle a key priority."

One of the ways Wychavon has done this is by raising awareness of healthy lifestyles in a range of imaginative ways. A team has been taking the five a day' message out to primary schools and community events throughout the district with an asparagus roadshow'. This is proving popular with school children who have been making pizzas and rolls with local asparagus whilst learning about the importance of eating fruit and veg.

The Worcester News reported on Saturday how the health profile for Worcester reveals deaths from heart disease, cancer and strokes have dropped.