WORCESTER News readers have been asked to join the fight against the Post Office relocation by signing a city council petition.

Guildhall bosses are refusing to give in - and want thousands of you to back the campaign.

The petition urges the Post Office to reconsider its decision to move the Worcester branch to WH Smith, but also urges it to relocate the new store on the ground floor of the High Street store, if the move goes ahead.

As we reported in January, the Post Office is planning to relocate the Foregate Street branch onto the first floor of WH Smith in a bid to save money.

An official six-week public consultation has just finished, but the Guildhall wants to hand over a big dossier of signatures to Post Office bosses to show them how the city feels.

The plan has been labelled as "totally unacceptable" and is opposed by residents, all political parties in Worcester and city MP Mike Foster.

Coun Simon Geraghty, leader of the city council, said: "Given the demographic of the main users of the Post Office counters, this is totally unacceptable and I would urge the Post Office to reconsider the plans."

Coun Geoff Williams, chair of the city's scrutiny committee, said: "Although the official six week consultation has come to an end, the council wants to make sure that the public have every opportunity to make their views known."

To sign the petition click on the link below or pick up a hard copy from the Guildhall in the High Street, or the customer services centre in Farrier Street.

The Post Office plans to move 70 of its branches nationwide into nearby WH Smith stores over the next 16 months in a bid to save £70m.