WORCESTERSHIRE is experiencing the most intense rainfall in 50 years, according to Worcester News weatherman Paul Damari.

The expert says he has never known such "intense" rain in his entire career.

"This rain falling on the saturated ground is a problem," he said.

"Every drop of rain that falls is rolling into already swollen rivers and brooks."

Overnight 28.5mm of rain - just over one inch - fell in Worcester. In some parts of West Worcestershire over 40mm.

"Up until June 12 the weather was fine and warm," said Mr Damari.

"All of the rain has occurred since them.

"In the past week or so we've had 113.9mm (4.48 inches) - that's almost double June's average rainfall."

Tomorrow, the rain is expected to ease. Mr Damari said it will be cooler and there will even be some sunshine.

However, we could see further problems when the rain falling in Wales today travels down stream.

"In Wales we have predicted up to four inches in some places and that is going to flow into out already flooded rivers."

Despite the wet weather, Mr Damari does not think summer will be a wash out.

"You have to remember that this time last year we had just over 100mm of rainfall and the summer was still good.

"Mother Nature has a way of balancing her books."