A WARNDON man blames fortnightly collections after he found maggots in half-emptied bins.

Andy Lee said Worcester City Council is providing an inadequate collection service and being too choosy about what can and cannot be recycled, but officers say not all materials are suitable for recycling in Worcestershire.

Mr Lee said he has spoken to neighbours in Upper Ground, Long Meadow, whose bins have been left with half of the rubbish still in them - allowing maggots to breed.

"I think it's absolutely appalling," he said. "I have recently had a heart attack and I cannot keep bundling this stuff up and taking it to the tip. We pay quite a lot for these services."

Operations manager Malcolm Cox said the bins have a sensor that can tell if bags are still left in them when they are being emptied, and so shakes them harder.

However, he said the system might not catch very light bags and that he will order crews to manually check bins are properly emptied in the future, especially now it is summer.

Mr Lee also said binmen refused to take his recycling because it had a crisp packet in it. "They refuse to empty them for the most ridiculous, minor reasons," he said.

Mr Cox said crews were not allowed to take buried items out of bins for safety reasons.