A COURAGEOUS mum who lost her four-year fight with cancer in May is to be remembered for her achievements in a special award ceremony.

Dee Reading, who died aged 56, will posthumously receive the Brian Newbury Memorial Award for Police Staff in July.

Her husband Charles said: "I'm just so proud of her. It's a nice way that her department have chosen to remember her and they have always been so supportive of Dee. It will really honour her memory."

The award was inaugurated in 2001 in memory of Detective Superintendent Brian Newbury, and is made on an annual basis in recognition of outstanding performance and high motivation.

It represents the highest accolade in crime support.

Detective Chief Superintendent Gordon Fraser of West Midlands police said it will be to honour her professionalism and commitment - and her name will be engraved on a memorial plaque.

Mrs Reading, of Tolladine, Worcester, worked for the West Midlands police in the fingerprint enhancement unit in Birmingham.

She always returned to work at the earliest opportunity and even worked at home during her recuperation.

She had also taken part in the Cancer Research UK Race for Life event held in Worcester three years in a row, with her last being in 2006. This year, some of her friends decided to dedicate their run to her in memory of her.

Shortly before Christmas, she was given another police award for courage in the face of tragic events.

Her 20-year-old daughter Vicki and her boyfriend Carl were killed in a car accident in October 2002.

Just over three months later, Mrs Reading was diagnosed with colon cancer.

And a few months later her son was diagnosed with testicular cancer.

Mr Reading said: "It will be a nice evening to remember her by and members of her family and friends will be there too. I know many of her colleagues thought a lot about her and are still very upset at her passing."

He added he wanted to thank everyone who had written letters and cards to him following her death and a celebration of life service at Worcester Crematorium at the end of May. The award ceremony will be held on Thursday, July 5.