THE river Severn is on flood watch following the dramatic rain storms yesterday evening.

Intense rainfall in Bewdley caused the river to rise two and a half metres in just two hours.

A spokesman for the Environment Agency said: "It was because of the sheer intensity of the rain fall. Usually when it rises it is from rainfall in Wales making its way down the river. But this was very localised."

The flood defences were not erected in the town as officials did not believe they would be needed.

The rainfall has had a knock-on effect downstream in Worcester with the river bursting its banks along South Quay.

More showers are expected for later in the day and the area is on flood watch warning, meaning areas of agricultural land or low-lying roads could be affected - and residents should keep an eye on the situation.

Flood watch should not be confused with a flood warning - issued when homes and business are at risk from flooding.

For more details ring the Environment Agency's Floodline on 08459 881188 or click on the link below.