EIGHT new lay ministers from across the diocese have been licensed in Worcester Cathedral.

The Bishop of Dudley conducted the service on Saturday, June 16, licensing the readers to minister in their home parishes.

Readers are trained and accredited lay ministers in the Church of England, authorised in particular to exercise a ministry of preaching and teaching.

They undergo a two-year training course before being admitted to the post, after which they carry out a wide range of pastoral roles within the parishes.

Denise Pollock, from Hallow and Grimley with Holt, said: "Becoming a reader gives me the opportunity to serve the church, and give something back. The course has been stimulating and challenging. It has given me more confidence to look at difficult issues with a broader knowledge base.

"I'm now looking forward to having more time to continue to explore my faith through further reading and ministry."

Bishop David preached and presided at the service. He said: "Readers are a hugely valuable asset to the Church, bringing a range of gifts, talents and insights. They play a key role in mission and ministry. The Church couldn't do without them."