In the absence of Sue Oakley, who was on holiday, vice-president Val Hibbitt chaired the June meeting, beginning with a minute's silence for us to remember Amy Archer, a previous member of North Claines for nearly 50 years, who had recently passed away.

Amy was a popular woman who will be sadly missed by her many friends. Thanks were sent to Sylvia Wilkes, in her absence, for the lovely flowers she had provided for the president's table and, in spite of several members being absent - on holiday or not well - the meeting was well attended, and a visitor, Jean Watkins, was also welcomed. Just one birthday this month - Anneliese Evans.

We were very encouraged by the support given to our first craft group evening on May 15 on quilling (no connection with Harry Potter).

Several people attended, including non-members, and it is hoped that this will develop further. Demonstration of a different craft will take place each month with the opportunity to have a go - next month the subject is tea bag folding (leaves removed). Anyone is welcome to join us at a cost of just £1 for non-members and maybe a few pence for any materials used. The craft group meets at the institute in Claines Lane on the third Tuesday of each month, the next being June 19 at 7pm.

The speaker this month was Miriam Tilt, accompanied by her friend Jill. They had created a stunning collection of pictures and cars made in three dimensional decoupage, illustrating how this was achieved, together with a history of the craft. Members were spellbound by the creativity of the beautiful pictures displayed and Mollie Lewis gave a vote of thanks.

Val Hibbitt and Jean Rayers won the raffle, and the competition for the prettiest cup and saucer was won by Audrey Amphlett.

The summer event is to be held in the Church Hall, Cornmeadow Lane, on Thursday, August 2, at 2pm, everyone invited - admission £1. This should be a fun afternoon with various stalls. Refreshments will be served including a strawberry and cream tea! Before that, we have our July meeting at the Institute on Thursday, July 5, when the speaker will be Mike Rafferty with a selection of Wit and Whimsy. The meeting starts at 7.15pm.