FRIENDS: The Friends of Broadheath Church held their annual meeting in the village hall. The chairman, Peter Huguet, said that the work on the tower had been completed. The Friends had contributed more than £13,000 towards this necessary work. Refunds of the VAT had been received and finances were beginning to rebuild again. Many of those present would like to see the church's unique weathervane replaced on the top of the tower again. Mr Huguet said he was trying to track down a coppersmith to undertake the necessary work.

The recent concert by the Malvern Singers, held in the church, was a great success, everyone enjoying the various items of poetry and prose read out between the musical items. The concert, conducted by Edwina Ward and accompanied on the piano by Ron Ward, had raised £395 for the Friend's funds.

Mr Huguet announced plans for a salmon supper and a skittles evening during the coming months.

The retiring treasurer, Rosie Thom, explained that paying for the work on the church tower meant that there was a deficit in the accounts this year, but funds held amounted to £9,100.35.

Mr Huguet was re-appointed chairman with Mr E Hobday as vice-chairman. Mrs Florence Rees was re-appointed secretary and Dr Ernest Wadge and Mr Peter Wright comprise the rest of the committee. Mr Norman Bennet was re-appointed auditor.

On behalf of the Parochial Church Council, Barbara Beard thanked the Friends for all their hard work for the church fabric.

GARDENERS: At their recent meeting in the Village Hall, members of Lower Broadheath Gardening Society celebrated the 30th anniversary of the founding of their group in 1997. The chairman, John Norton, had researched some of the early meetings of the society, which he described to members. He also reminded members of the evening visit to Stone Manor, which would cost £3, and the daytime visit to Sudeley Castle, which would cost £12. He also reminded members of the annual show in September.

The speaker, Angela Thompson, from Ledbury, brought a selection of fuchsias with her, and gave a great deal of advice on growing these southern hemisphere plants.

Raffle winners included Florence Rees, Colin Kennard, Ian Smith, Margaret Mathews and Peg Propert.