President Eileen Williams welcomed members and friends on a lovely summer evening. She reported that following a collection in memory of former members who had recently passed away, a donation had been sent to County Air Ambulance (Cath Wilsher) and the Arthritic and Rheumatism Council (Molly Murphy).

The walk had been rained off, but the coffee morning in aid of Macmillan Nurses run by the Friends of the WI raised more than £400.

Alfrick WI was holding an evening invitation meeting on July 11. The Elgar Group meeting on September 6 would be a tour of black-and-white villages by Brian Draper. The monthly pub lunch would take place as usual and an evening walk on June 26. The skittles organiser had kindly agreed to continue in this role.

The president told members of the initiative by county to have ECO teams recording the consumption of gas, electricity, water and waste in their own homes. Discussions would take place to improve the situation, and the results would be collated at future meetings of the groups. Volunteers were asked for.

Members were told of the autumn council meeting on October 23 at Pershore High School.

Within the village, the RADA group would be holding a Murder Mystery evening on June 22 and 23 volunteers were asked to help with the catering.

After being on the waiting list for sometime, twenty-five members were greatly looking forward to their trip to Highgrove.

The next meeting, on July 4, will be about Neighbourhood Watch at 7.30pm in Rushwick Village Hall.