A GROUP set up to improve Worcester has agreed a new community action plan.

Four priority projects have been highlighted by the Worcester Alliance, which represents more than 40 city organisations, to help achieve the new community strategy for the city.

They are:

*Focus on deprived wards Warndon and Gorse Hill.

*Liaise on city centre development.

*Tackle transport and congestion.

*Tackle climate change The strategy, to be launched at the alliance's annual city summit on Friday, July 6, sets out its five-year vision for Worcester.

An alliance spokesman said: "We will not deliver all the priorities on our own.

"Many are already being delivered by individual organisations across the city and the county. Instead, we have identified four priority projects that can only be achieved by organisations working in partnership."

The first project includes focusing on Warndon and Gorse Hill wards, which are considered by the Government to be among the most deprived in the country.

This means many people living in these areas lack sufficient income, education and employment opportunities and face barriers to housing and other services.

The alliance wants to help set up an area committee to bring together public service providers and other interested parties.

The second project is the city centre masterplan and outlines new developments such as the new university campus and library, waterfront by the river Severn and affordable housing.

The Alliance aims to ensure future developments meet the needs of everyone who lives and works in the city.

The alliance will be looking at how transport can be improved and congestion cut, by helping the city and county councils, which have responsibility for the roads network.

The group also aims to educate people about the causes and effects of climate change and encourage the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by its member organisations, while preparing for the effect climate change will have on the city.

The Worcester Alliance is made up of organisations from the public, private and voluntary sectors.

The draft edition of the community strategy is available at website www.worcesteralliance.org.uk, along with full details of the alliance's membership and meetings.

Comments can be sent to coordinator@worcesteralliance.org.uk or by calling 01905 722057.