A SMOKER has vowed to stub it out when new legislation comes into force on July 1.

Alice Hobbins said the deadline for the smoking ban - which prohibits people from lighting up in enclosed public spaces and workplaces - will be the perfect time to quit her unhealthy habit.

The 19-year-old, of Martley Road, Worcester, said she has smoked for about four years and is concerned about the impact it is having on her health.

She said: "I've got asthma and get a chest infection every couple of months, so I have very bad health due to smoking.

"I'm normally a social smoker and will smoke more when I'm in the pub, but if I'm not allowed to it's a good excuse to stop.

"I'm looking forward to having more money and feeling healthier and not getting out of breath."

Miss Hobbins said she managed to quit smoking for about 12 weeks at the beginning of the year, but eventually succumbed to the temptation.

"Going out and being around people who smoked was too hard to resist."

Miss Hobbins, who smokes about seven cigarettes a day, said when she goes out in the evening she will smoke her way through more than 20.

She is under no illusion that quitting will be a struggle, but said she is determined to succeed and plans to banish the cravings with patches.

Smokers considering giving up can receive free advice and support from the Worcestershire Smoking Advice Service on 01905 760222.