Outcrops of Silurian limestone to the north of Martley mean lime-rich soils that provide optimum conditions for many wild flowers.

Unfortunately, the best sites are not accessible by public footpath, with the exception of one meadow on Penny Hill, which is included in this walk.

It has a variety of species, including the lovely pyramidal orchid. Next to it is an even better meadow, Penny Hill Bank Nature Reserve, which is open to members of Worcestershire Wildlife Trust and other county trusts. Non-members are required to apply in advance for a permit (call 01905 754919). About 180 species of flowering plant have been recorded here, including cowslip, rockrose, dyer's greenweed, autumn felwort, carline thistle, birdsfoot trefoil and a variety of orchids.

FACTFILEStart: Martley, grid ref SO755597.

Length: 6 miles/10.5km.

Maps: OS Explorer 204, OS Landranger 150.

Terrain: Mostly arable and pastoral farmland, with some woodland; mainly fairly flat but with a few slopes, including one steep descent.

Footpaths: Most are excellent, with the exception of several field-edge paths that are narrow and overgrown. Nettles are a problem in places and waymarking is poor around the areas of Hillside and Penny Hill.

Stiles: 23.

Parking: Church Lane.

Buses: Bromyard Omnibus Company 308/310, Monday to Saturday; www.worcestershire.gov.uk/bustimetables or Traveline 0871 200 2233.

Refreshments: Pub and shops at Martley.

DIRECTIONS1 Walk up Church Lane to the main road and turn left. Cross the road after about 120m, when you see two fingerposts indicating footpaths. Take the right-hand path, which runs across a field. Shortly cross a stile and walk towards Chantry High School. The path is part of a Worcestershire Way Circular Walk (WWCW) so it is waymarked and very easily followed. It soon turns left, returning to the field and turning right, then soon right again, skirting round the school before turning left into a field and then heading diagonally right to a lane. Turn left, then soon right at a junction. Take the first path on the left, opposite Lingen Farm. Turn right after 170m, leaving the WWCW. Cross three fields to a lane and turn left.2 Join another path on the left after a few metres, going diagonally right across two fields then through trees to another field. Walk along the right-hand edge for a short distance then cross to the adjacent field. Follow the right-hand edge for 100m to a waymarked junction. Turn left across the field then turn right at the far side. Continue straight on at a junction (i.e. do not stay by the field edge), heading towards a wide-spreading oak tree. Reaching a waymarked post below the oak tree, continue forward, but bearing a little to the left, to cross a stile and footbridge into woodland.

Turn right past a pool then keep left at a fork. Cross a stile to a field and proceed to another field. There are two paths here, though only one is waymarked - this is the mown path that goes straight across to a lane. The other path goes diagonally left to meet the lane at the far field corner. Whichever you choose, turn left at the lane to a triangular junction.

3 Go straight across the junction to rejoin the WWCW, which is easily followed through four fields to join a bridleway which leads to a road (B4197). Turn right then cross over after a few metres to join a bridleway. Walk uphill by a hedge, then turn right to the far corner of a long field. Go through a gate in the corner and turn left. Go straight on at a junction with a footpath, climbing to the top corner of a field. Turn right through a gate and follow the bridleway to a farm. Turn left, climb to the top of Rodge Hill then turn left on the Worcestershire Way. Keep straight on at a junction.4 Turn left at a second junction - this turning is easily missed but you should be looking for a stile to the left of a gateway. Cross the stile and descend steeply through woodland to a field. Proceed along the right-hand edge to the next corner where a waymark directs you right. Ignore this and turn left, along the field edge. Beyond the hedge on your right there is a flowering meadow; at the end of this meadow you should turn right along an easily missed path which climbs to a junction. Turn left here, walking through woodland to return to the field edge. Continue in the same direction. Ignore a stile on the right but take the next path on the right, descending steps into woodland. The delightful path takes a meandering, undulating route but is easily followed.5 Eventually you'll come to a junction at a stile. Go left to another stile and another junction. Again go left, down the edge of a meadow. As you approach the road, a gate on the left gives access to Penny Hill Bank Nature Reserve. Cross the road and turn right a few paces to find another footpath. Walk past a garden then keep left around the edge of a meadow, past a pool and over a stile to another garden. Walk forward a little way then turn left to find a gate (no waymark) and fight your way through nettles as you descend steps to a field. Keep straight on across the field, then go to the far left corner of another. Rejoining the WWCW, walk back along a path you used earlier in the day. Turn right along a lane, then take the first left, following the WWCW back to the Chantry School. Go straight on at the junction near the school to emerge on the main road opposite Church Lane.PLEASE NOTE This walk has been carefully checked and the directions are believed to be accurate at the time of publication. No responsibility is accepted by either the author or publisher for errors or omissions, or for any loss, accident or injury, however caused.