DESPITE a torrential mid-afternoon downpour that left part of the showground under inches of water, the first day of the Three Counties Show turned into a royal winner.

Just as Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall were nearing the end of their four-hour visit, the heavens opened and a huge thunderstorm rocked the skies around the Malvern Hills.

After it abated and as water gushed across the 70-acre showsite, some of the 600 standholders called it a day and closed early, their pitches almost flooded.

Show press officer Sharon Gilbert said: "It was one of the worst storms I can remember here and it left a lot of mopping up to be done. But the morning was beautiful and the afternoon storm did not detract from what was a very successful royal visit.

"We had a very healthy attendance and the good news is that conditions are forecast to improve as the weekend progresses, with Sunday promising to be a fine day.

"It is amazing how quickly the showground recovers from a drenching and staff always have straw on hand if needed."

It was the 50th Three Counties Show on the permanent site at Malvern and the storm failed to dampen the enthusiasm of the crowds, who packed into the many indoor areas until it had passed.

When they re-emerged, the sun came out and the show went on - withouth the second performance of human cannonball Dave Smith, whose appearance was scheduled at the height of the thunderstorm.

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