NOT all the sheep at the Three Counties Show are running around on four legs and making a noise.

On the stand of HM Revenue and Customs there is a woolly animal that had an altogether different purpose in life. It was used to smuggle Class A drugs into the UK.

"The toy sheep had drugs craftily mixed in with its stuffing," explained Gail Jacobs, who is exhibitions officer for HMRC.

"Fortunately, it was discovered and seized. Along with others like zebra skins, a dwarf crocodile handbag and carved ivory pieces.

"They are on display to show visitors the wide range of things people try to smuggle into the country. Ours is a constant battle against organised crime, such as drug, alcohol and cigarette smuggling, illegal importations, money laundering and tax fraud."

Revenue and Customs staff are also on hand to advise holidaymakers how much alcohol and cigarettes they can legally bring back into the UK from abroad and which items are banned.