MORE than 200 hundred people turned up to cheer on their teams as home-made go-karts were raced around County Hall to help raise money for charity.

The man-powered karts reached speeds of up to 15mph as 10 teams raced against the clock around a 500m (1,640ft) course.

Fund-raising manager Tricia Cavell hailed the Worcester Soap Box Kart Challenge a huge success after teams managed to raise about £4,500 for St Richard's Hospice.

"The team spirit is just amazing," she said.

"Everybody has worked so hard to put some fantastic and innovative parts together.

"It's really funny as well.

"They all race around and they're careering into barriers and a few wheels have fallen off.

"It's just amusing to watch because they are obviously taking it very seriously and are in it to win it - they are finishing the circuit needing a glass of water.

"We are certainly hoping to do this again next year."

The money raised from the event will go towards the £2.8 million needed this year to provide care and support for patients with cancer and life-limiting illnesses at the charity's new hospice in Wildwood Drive, Worcester.