CHEERS m'dears, the fourth Three Counties Show cider competition was a top brew.

With 85 entries in five classes it was the best supported contest yet.

"We had more entries from outside the three counties than ever before," said steward to the judges Geoff Morris.

"In fact there was even one from New York state in America. Although I think that was because they knew one of the organisers, rather than any international connection. The overall standard was very high."

Sadly, the flight across the Atlantic was in vain, because the Big Apple failed to gain a prize. Best in Show went to Tom Oliver of Ocle Pychard in Herefordshire with a medium sweet cider and he also won the trophy for the Best Hereford Producer.

Top Gloucestershire producer was Orchards of Brockweir.

"There was no Worcestershire Cup this year," Mr Morris explained, "because no entry from the county won a prize."