AN annual knitting project has netted nearly £900 for a Worcester-based charity.

Volunteers, members of the public and staff from Age Concern Herefordshire and Worcestershire, in Sansome Street, Worcester, knitted 1,850 mini bobble hats to fit over the cap of Innocent smoothie drinks last winter.

The drinks company then made a donation for each hat and this raised £879.37 for the charity. The money will go into its general funds used to provide services and projects for people aged over 50 in Herefordshire and Worcestershire.

Nicola Hampton, Age Concern spokeswoman, said: "We put out an appeal through the Worcester News for volunteers who wanted to do knitting, or wanted to donate wool or needles. A lot of people could join in and it was a really nice effort."

It was the second year Age Concern Herefordshire and Worcestershire has been involved with the project, which produced an array of unique colourful creations. "If Innocent continues to do it then we will do it," said Ms Hampton.