SMOKY pubs will soon be a thing of the past when new legislation comes into force on Sunday, July 1.

Gone will be the days when non-smokers return home after a night out drinking, reeking of cigarette smoke and pubs in Worcester are preparing for the legislation, which will ban smoking in enclosed public spaces and workplaces.

Thalia Stewart, of The Portobello Inn in Bransford Road, St John's, Worcester, said the pub was seeking planning permission to build a heated outdoor smoking shelter.

She said although it might take a while for the changes to settle in, the long term benefits would be worth the initial disruption. I don't think there will be a big problem. It may be quiet to start off with as people are coming round to the whole thing.

"It will be good for food trade and everything else."

Caroline Perry, of The Glovers Needle in Winder-mere Drive, Warndon, Worcester, said builders were in the process of constructing a glass-topped, timber-framed shelter for smokers.

The 40-year-old, who welcomed the ban, said: "There will be a push button on the wall and the heat will come on. It's going to be on a timer which will last for five minutes, so we are not wasting electricity."

She said: "I'm not concerned about trade at all. We have a lot of smokers in our pub, but we also have the potential to have a lot of non-smokers visiting."

Paul O'Connor, Worcester City Council's planning manager, said he was expecting more applications from pub landlords for shelters than the four or five already submitted.

"The concern may be that come July 1, there's pressure on landlords and people might be tempted to erect unauthorised shelters. In those instances, we'd need to look at it carefully from an enforcement perspective."

He said the planning department could advise on planning matters.

However, the responsibility of checking that shelters comply with the July legislation rests with environmental health department, which will inspect structures.

For advice from Worces-ter City Council's planning and building control service e-mail development. or telephone 01905 722532.


Andy Sheppard, aged 16, of Dines Green, Worcester, said: "It's a bad idea. It's personal choice at the end of the day. If people want to get away from the smoke they can go somewhere else. It should only be in banned in certain areas."

Mady Heaney, aged 26, of Bedwardine, Worcester, said: "I'm a barmaid and I'm pleased it's being banned. I'm an ex-smoker so I can see it from that point of view but I finish work stinking of smoke. I think there should be seperate smoking areas."

Alan Gunter, aged 66, of Dines Green, Worcester, said: "I fully back the ban because smoking is a dirty, filthy, disgusting habit. You can't even sit in the pub comfortably. You always come out stinking of smoke. Second hand smoke is reason why I agree with the ban."

Rachel Carter, aged 32, of Lower Wick, Worcester, said: "I am a smoker and I agree with the ban in restaurants, areas that are enclosed where food is eaten but I don't agree with the ban in pubs. Put it this way, the ban is not going to make me stop."

Has your business gone to GREAT lengths to accommodate the ban? If so we would like to hear from you. e-mail or call 01905 742258.